“Your Health Is Your First Wealth”
“Dear Friend, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers”. III John verse 1:2
Lots of people are doing well and progressing in many areas of their lives. However, often they tell me that they wish their health was better. But they admit to not doing what they need to as far as eating better. They will admit to not exercising as they should. They even admit to not seeing the doctor as often as they should. Some do not have a medical home. They often forget to take their medications as prescribed every day. I usually respond with a question “Do you want to live a long healthy life”? “Oh yes, of course I do” is the usual response. Then I make it clear that there is a part that we all must play to achieve and maintain good health. We must be as diligent about our health as we are with handling the other business in our lives. It is true, if we do not take care of our health, it will go away. Therefore it is important to do the following:
- Making healthy food choices
- Taking Medications everyday as prescribed by the doctor.
- Regular exercise
- See a doctor every 3-4 months as needed for checks ups and blood work.
Dear Lord,
We admit that sometimes we don’t always to do as we should in taking care of our health. Help us to make every effort to be diligent in our own healthcare.
Empower us to do what we know we should for we want to live a long healthy life and fulfill the purpose for which we were created.
In Jesus name we pray,